Monday, September 16, 2013


You see that red "F"? Of course you do, who can miss it? Have I plagiarized sounds like a trick question; therefore, I'll be willing to share a little story about a "friend" (wink wink) who kind of, maybe, sort of did a little.
Well, the last time my "friend" was enrolled in an English course, all was going well. Never missed a class meeting, all assignments turned in and on time, and even hit every bonus there was. Then, the instructor gave us...I mean, gave them an average 3 page essay to type up. The instructor stated his guidelines very abruptly & wasn't accepting anything short of it. So as procrastination seeped in while time creeped up, there was literally one day left to turn in the assignment. So, what happened? "copy & paste" for the next 10 minutes or so; surely "he" was caught, and actually given a 'D' as a final grade! Yeah, it sucked.

1 comment:

  1. Love your sense of humor... Remind me not to cheat off of you though...
