Monday, September 16, 2013


You see that red "F"? Of course you do, who can miss it? Have I plagiarized sounds like a trick question; therefore, I'll be willing to share a little story about a "friend" (wink wink) who kind of, maybe, sort of did a little.
Well, the last time my "friend" was enrolled in an English course, all was going well. Never missed a class meeting, all assignments turned in and on time, and even hit every bonus there was. Then, the instructor gave us...I mean, gave them an average 3 page essay to type up. The instructor stated his guidelines very abruptly & wasn't accepting anything short of it. So as procrastination seeped in while time creeped up, there was literally one day left to turn in the assignment. So, what happened? "copy & paste" for the next 10 minutes or so; surely "he" was caught, and actually given a 'D' as a final grade! Yeah, it sucked.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

This is a lifestyle!



 and of course an amazing physique!
The human anatomy amazes (not at a doctoral level) but the building process of our muscle groups. I literally get excited whenever someone shows an interest at either enhancing, improving, or just conditioning their body! I'm a FIRM believer in that we ALL should be in optimum shape. Now, I don't have a throne to sit & judge folks about their physique (or lack of for that matter); I completely understand and also agree that they're aren't any status-quo bodies out here that we must strive to resemble. Different strokes-for different folks! Aside the fact that genes play a big role in how/what your body will become, not everyone wants to be big & muscular; just like not everyone wants to be toned & defined (believe it or not) but that shouldn't prohibit nor defame the significance of being healthy period. Don't believe the lies; there are NOOOOO magic working pills that have you dropping fat within X amount of time-nor is there anything (safe at least with no long lasting problems) that have you gaining an unrealistic amount of muscle within like a month! Don't overcomplicate what it REALLY takes to live a healthy lifestyle.
1. Hit the weights
2. Hit the kitchen (yeah I said it)
3. Hit the bed

Strictly business.

My team and business partners at one of our Saturday meetings!
[from left to right] Joy, Marcus, myself, Matthew, my roaddog Darius, [upfront] my amazing girlfriend Anna <3 a.k.a="" acn="" and="" apart="" chaz="" largest="" lastly="" of="" p="" re="" richard="" s="" seller="" sydnei="" telecommunications="" the="" we="" world="">
and while you're at it, let's see if we can save you some money on the bills you're already paying! You name it-my store offers it! Check me out at ::-> thanks!


This right here also explains me! Random. Odd. Me.

My heart & joy!

My mother is one of those people that you look back at what all they've been through thus far in life, and say to yourself "I'm ready and willing to do whatever it may take to remove every burden off your shoulder..." and indeed, that's what I'm aiming to do! We may not have always seen eye-to-eye and even at nieve times during adolecents feel as if you're against me, I know that everything she's done was never with any ill-intentions. My mother is my motivator in life period; because of her sacrifices, I now know that in order for one to gain it all-one may just have to risk it all.

Even the courages ones seek guidence.

As simple as this image may seem, it fully describes me! For a great portion of my life-I've been the one deemed as "courages, bold, and near-fearless"; these are only some of the characteristics that sets my favorite animal (which is a lion) apart from the others whom share this green earth with them. Although a lion may be seen as all that and possibly even more, this picture finely depicts that even the boldest individual you know also seeks some type of help from someone/something.