Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Allegory of the Cave from Plato

For starters, I find it hilarious that I wasn't the only one who was at first confused with this story in the beginning. I was puzzled by the choice of words and vocabulary. After getting through it, I couldn't help but to have this image of modern day society dawn upon me while reading it. For instance, the passage "...here they have been from childhood, & have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move..." is where we are today! Especially when correlating this with the workforce. All we're doing these days are waking up when we're told, going to a place we'd most likely rather not be at, and enduring enslavement. Slavery never ended, it just took a different turn!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Midterm blogger

I've never really exactly struggled with writing material throughout my school career. I can be creative, comical, intriguing, persuading, etc. However, I do believe that I'm not exactly a scholar yet! One thing I hope to learn by the end of this course term, pertains to paragraphs. Never have I really been aware of my transitioning skills (or lack of, for that matter) but one thing I hope to improve and better by taking this course is how to properly execute a transition phase within my paper(s); I'm a firm believer that practice makes perfect, so my faith is on high!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Ad on pre-workout supplement

My ad analysis will be on a pre-workout supplement from the manufacturers "NutreX", Hemo-Rage, Black Ultra Concetrate.
Now with a bold name along with a claim such as: "Do NOT under ANY circumstances exceed 1 scoop; even if you're tempted..." has caught/continues to catch several fitness competitor's attention.
Which I must say, is all in vain! Only "pitch" this product would EVER get from me-is to the ground...or garbage; which ever one.